Versatility in the Dutch Caribbean
Looking at chapter 3 of Tour de Force, we discover a variety of things about the dutch -speaking Caribbean. Today, we will focus on the aspects of versatility that can be found in these six islands. The first example of versatility in the Dutch-speaking Caribbean are string bands. String bands are a perfect example of creolization seeing as they are the "merging of the melodies and instruments of Europe with the rhythms and playing styles of the Caribbean region." (Ganglehoff and LeGrand, ). Even still, there are few examples of versatility within them. For one, these bands play at a variety of occasions. A photo depicting the members of the 'Tanny and the Boys' band. Below is a song from a well-known string band from St. Maarten, 'Tanny and the Boys'. Secondly, another prominent example of versatility in the Dutch Caribbean is Desiree Rollocks. Desiree is most commonly known by her stage name, Daisy Dee. Below is a video of Daisy Dee performing her hit song...